Serving Christ and sharing the Gospel

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vestibulum, nibh eu sollicitudin iaculis, magna orci egestas arcu, ut posuere lectus eros sed orci. Nullam augue ligula, porttitor id volutpat sed, ultrices id diam. Phasellus suscipit eget libero at porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam venenatis pellentesque egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam neque enim, elementum sed enim ac, consectetur dictum arcu. Suspendisse malesuada nisl ac tortor pretium imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper at ipsum ut faucibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis porta consectetur velit, vitae scelerisque enim lacinia nec. Nunc congue augue diam, a dapibus elit tristique et. Donec molestie egestas ligula sit amet mattis. Vestibulum scelerisque ac justo ut lobortis. Aenean dignissim ligula magna, non bibendum odio cursus at. Etiam urna lacus, egestas eu ligula at, sodales fermentum lorem. Donec sed nulla sapien. Donec imperdiet ultrices turpis ut commodo. Aliquam mollis massa sed sem eleifend, eu molestie eros malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed sed tristique turpis. Donec ipsum diam, vulputate in pretium id, molestie quis lacus. Nam in pretium velit, vel tristique ex. Sed dictum nunc nec volutpat posuere. Cras vehicula mollis sem non ultrices.

International luncheon

We are very grateful to God for giving us such a multicultural family here in Gidea Park. With more than 8 countries represented last Sunday, we had a wonderful time tasting yummy food and spending time together. We will be organising another one of this wonderful events soon, and you are invited. Check out for…

Summer at St Michael’s

8.30am services as normal All the 10.30 services will be all age throughout the summer holidays with something for everyone. Zoom services stop for the summer, the last one will be Sunday 18th July. If you’d like a lift to a service please email We look forward to seeing you!

Food for All – Community Project

We’re working with a Community Foodbank charity linked to FairShare that will provide us once a month with a delivery of surplus food from the supermarkets. This will be delivered to the church at 4pm on Sunday afternoon and packaged up for collection or delivery to households that have signed up. We’re working with havering…

In Memory of HRH Prince Philip

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Royal Family and the many others around the world mourning his loss. The Church of England has published an online book of condolences. Should you wish to leave a message click in this link. Book of Condolence   Heavenly Father We give thanks for the life of Prince…