Our Aim
St Michael’s aim is to be a welcoming Christian fellowship in the heart of Gidea Park, sharing the good news of the Gospel with all.
Our Beliefs
St Michael’s is an evangelical Anglican church. We seek to uphold and proclaim the historic, Bible-based beliefs of the Church of England as expressed in The Thirty-Nine Articles and The Book of Common Prayer. You can view the Thirty-Nine Articles here.
Our Objectives
To achieve our aim we have two key objectives – to grow in spiritual ‘depth’ and in numerical ‘breadth’. Two ambitions that reflect the Great Commission that Jesus has given his whole Church: “Go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matt 28:18-20). In short, the Lord calls us to make new disciples and to mature existing ones.
i) Growth in numerical ‘breadth’ – our goal is to attract newcomers, make disciples of Jesus and increase the size of our congregation. We also seek to make our congregation more representative of the parish we serve.
ii) Growth in spiritual ‘depth’ – we seek to nurture our existing congregation, by offering a programme of ministries that give people the opportunity to ‘mature’ and deepen in their faith. We long to see our members become more certain of the truth of their Christian faith, more persuaded of its relevance to daily life, and more confident in sharing it with others.